The moment that you decide to be an entrepreneur, is the time to put the glass down. As someone who is interested to leave the 9 to 5 job and make his own way of business, you will face a lot of challenges in the road. But you always need to know how to deal with your stress, because if you don’t deal with them, your business won’t survive.
Your main task will be around defining the stress, getting closer to the concerns and finally solving the issue. But sometimes the problem won’t get solved easily, then you have to be patient and put the petty worries down by changing your mindset and act as a business owner. You need to be a creative problem solver, so when a situation comes up, try to jump in and solve the problem. Most definitely you will solve the problem but even if you can’t, give it more time, maybe you need to know more about the situation and make yourself knowledgable to solve it.
The whole point of putting the glass down for an entrepreneur is to direct the energy and time to a more productive way instead of wasting the energy and time that won’t go anywhere in the business world.
Just put the glass down!
Posted by Navid Noor on Monday, October 14, 2019